
Snohomish County Fire District No. 22

1 Fire Station

2 Engines

3 Command Vehicles

1 Water Tender

2 Aid Cars

4 Brush Units

Land coverage: 17 square miles South border 60th Street, East Border Marysville City Limits (SR9 and 78th Ave), north 140th Street, East 139th Ave NE.

Always Open

Getchell – Snohomish County
8424 99th Ave NE
Arlington, WA

Engine 68 is a Pierce Velocity 6 person custom Engine. The Engine is equipped with a telescoping light tower, 500 gallon water tank, and a 1500 GPM pump.

Engine 68A is a 2002 Pierce Quantum. This unit has a 1500 GPM pump, 650 gallon water tank, 25 gallon class A foam tank, 50 gallon class B foam tank, Foam Pro 2002 system, 20,000 watt generator, 6,000 watt light tower, pre-plumbed hydraulic tools which is all powered by a Detroit Series 60.

Chief 68 – 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe equipped with command box used as staff vehicle and command vehicle

Chief 69 – 2014 Chevrolet 3500 4×4 equipped with diesel tank to fill diesel apparatus and keep them in response area, used as a staff vehicle and command vehicle.

Tender 68 — 2018 Kenworth T800 carries 2500 gallons of water and equipped with a 1000 Gallons Per minute pump, front bumper sprayers and front bumper turret and 3500 gallon portable tank.

Aid 68 is the districts first out aid car. The module was built by Braun in 2009 and remounted on a new Ford E450 chassis in 2015.

Aid 68A is the districts second out aid car.


Brush 68 – 2021 Dodge 5500 with Skeeter package and front bumper turret is a Type 5 brush engine equipped for wildland firefighting

Brush 68A – 2021 Dodge 5500 with Skeeter package and front bumper turret is a Type 6 bush engine that was remounted from an older brush truck and equipped for wildland firefighting.

Brush 68B – 2004 Stewart Stevenson Type 3 Brush engine carrying 800 gallons of water and equipped with a front bumper turret.



Land Area

Incidents (2018)

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Communities: Getchell, Sisco Heights, and Lake Cassidy Area


Contact Info

(360) 659-6400


8424 99th Ave NE
Arlington, WA


Always open